During the V12 application process you will confirm your bank details for your repayments to be collected via direct debit. You can also make overpayments by contacting V12 directly or via your V12 self-service portal that you will be sent more information about via email once you have successfully completed your application.
It’s a fact of life that things can change for any of us. If something changes in your personal, or financial circumstances, V12 will do all they can to help make it as easy as possible to submit your application and manage your loan repayments.
If you’re struggling at any point with your application online, or you don’t understand anything, please contact V12’s Customer Services Team on 029 2046 8900 or by emailing customerservices@v12finance.com. They are open Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm
If you find yourself struggling due to a change in your circumstances, please contact V12 Retail Finance and ask for their help.